On Saturday 4th December, in the church of Our Lady of Peace in Madrid, the first Mass of Canon Palomar took place. Canon was ordained on the 1st July by His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke in our Florentine church, Ss Miguel and Cayetano.
At this first Solemn High Mass, Canon Olazábal was assistant priest, Canon Piaggio was deacon, Canon Vela was subdeacon. Monsignor Wach, Prior General preached.
In his homily, the Monsignor said, “The Catholic priesthood is essentially a continuation of Christ, a living presence of Christ,” and recalled that the priest is “another Christ, an alter Christus.” He ended by asking “for the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church and of priests,” so that Canon Palomar “may always preserve the virtues of humility, obedience, purity and, finally, the generosity to be a priest according to the Heart of Jesus”.
The ceremony was attended by family and friends from Valladolid, Segovia, Vascongadas, Gibraltar, and also from Italy.