It is apt that this new website was finally launched on the feast Domini Nostri Jesu Christi – the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King – the titular feast of the Institute.

We hope that you will find it a useful resource from which you will learn about the Institute and its mission not only in the British isles but also further afield. Across the world, your priests work to bring to the message of Jesus Christ, Universal King to those who already know Him and who want to Him know more. Perhaps more importantly, we also take His message to those who do not know Him at all. We hope this website will be another way to make known that message!

Please, we ask you to keep us, your Canons and Sisters committed to your prayers, as we keep you committed to ours!

Welcome to our website and God bless you!

Canon Amaury Montjean
28 October 2018
New Brighton