Please Pray for Mother Caroline Marie. The Mother Superior of the Sisters Adorers suffered a car accident last Sunday. She is recovering but needs our spiritual support.

Mother continues to make improvement and this is no doubt through your prayers!

Thank you and God love you.


Last Saturday, the 27th October marked a milestone for Old Saint Patrick Oratory in Kansas City, Missouri.

Ten years have passed since the renovation of the church was completed and the church was consecrated. The Most Reverend James Vann Johnston, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, joined us for a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by the Institute’s US provincial superior, Canon Matthew Talarico. Bishop Johnston preached at the Mass and then presided at the Te Deum and Benediction. After Mass, our guests joined us for a festive reception under a marquee in the church garden in the bishop’s honour.

Old Saint Patrick Oratory is the church at which Canon Francis Altiere, former Priest at St Walburge’s, Preston and deacon at Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena is currently assigned.

Designed by architect Asa Beebe Cross and built in 1875, Old Saint Patrick’s is the oldest Catholic church in Kansas City. The first Mass was celebrated at Christmas of that year, though work continued until 1881. Following stylistic alterations in the late 1960s, an extensive renovation in harmony with the classical revival style of the church was completed in 2008 under the direction of Mr. William Heyer, who the Institute has now also asked to design its National Shrine of Christ the King. Incorporating three beautiful altars from a closed church in Boston, much of the restoration work was lovingly accomplished with the “sweat and blood” of local volunteers from the congregation. Bishop Finn solemnly consecrated the church on 25th October 2008.


It is apt that this new website was finally launched on the feast Domini Nostri Jesu Christi – the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King – the titular feast of the Institute.

We hope that you will find it a useful resource from which you will learn about the Institute and its mission not only in the British isles but also further afield. Across the world, your priests work to bring to the message of Jesus Christ, Universal King to those who already know Him and who want to Him know more. Perhaps more importantly, we also take His message to those who do not know Him at all. We hope this website will be another way to make known that message!

Please, we ask you to keep us, your Canons and Sisters committed to your prayers, as we keep you committed to ours!

Welcome to our website and God bless you!

Canon Amaury Montjean
28 October 2018
New Brighton




The academic year at the Institute’s international Seminary of St. Philip Neri culminated in the grace-filled week of Ordinations from July 2-7, 2018. The liturgies were celebrated daily in Florence, Italy, at the beautiful Church of Saints Michael and Cajetan, which was confided several years ago to the care of the Institute’s clergy by the Cardinal Archbishop of Florence.

On Monday, July 2, nineteen men from nine various countries received the cassock, while the future deacons made the profession of faith, the oath to uphold the traditions and teachings of the Church, as well as the pledge to observe the constitutions of the Institute as incardinated members. Solemn High Mass for the Feast of the Visitation was then celebrated by the Prior General, Monsignor Gilles Wach.  

Newly-clothed in their cassocks, the nineteen seminarians received the clerical tonsure the next day during Pontifical Mass which was offered by His Lordship, the Most Reverend Mark Davies, Bishop of Shrewsbury in the United Kingdom. Bishop Davies also administered the Minor Orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte, to over thirty seminarians, upon their completion of the second, third, and four years of their formation.

On the following day, July 4, His Grace, the Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, ordained fourteen subdeacons and five deacons. 

Thursday, July 5, being the first Thursday of the month, the votive Mass of Jesus Christ Eternal High Priest was celebrated by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Patronus of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, for the ordination of four new priests: Canon Pablo Piaggio Kokot (Argentina), Canon Paul d’Aubigny (France), Canon Fernando de Almeida (Brazil), and Canon Baudouin Chaptal (France).

That same evening, Cardinal Burke offered Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with Te Deum in the seminary chapel of Gricigliano. Archbishop Cordileone and Bishop Davies assisted in choro at this solemn Liturgy, which was followed by a festive dinner and superb fireworks display for the hundreds of family, friends and supporters who attended. The next day, the First Friday of the month, each of the newly ordained priests offered his first Mass in honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Seminary Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.

On August 2, 2018, four American deacons will be ordained to the holy priesthood by Cardinal Burke at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Institute expresses heartfelt gratitude for all of the prayers and support which thousands of people have offered from across the world for these newly ordained clergy at the service of Holy Mother Church for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.


Ten years ago, the Institute of Christ the King received the canonical status of Pontifical Right by the decree entitled “Saeculorum Rex” from Benedict XVI.  Ten years later, Almight God has blessed the Institute with many new canons.  Deo gratis! 

Each year, during the last week of August, all of the canons of the Institute are invited back to our Motherhouse in Gricigliano, where they studied as seminarians, by the Prior General for a week-long “family reunion” known as the General Chapter.  The canons are able to visit with their confreres from all over the world, some of whom they have not seen for over a year.  They are able to grow more closely as a family, dining together, learning together, and of course, praying together through the beauty of the Sacred Liturgy.  Refreshed by a week of fraternal charity, the priests of the Institute are then sent back out into the world, ready for another year of service to our Holy Mother Church for the salvation of souls.  Deo gratias!