In Primary 1 we had a large, empty cardboard box. We were sure it would be useful for something so we kept it.
The children have been studying Medieval history and art as a combined topic this year. They have looked at illuminated manuscripts, altarpieces, decorative metalwork and jewellery and learned how they were made. Inspired by the Wilton Diptych and other altarpieces, the children wanted to make their own diptychs and triptychs.
Luckily, we had a large cardboard box. Using all the folds and flaps of the box, we had enough cardboard for everyone. Working over many weeks, each child designed and painted the pictures: favourite saints and a coat of arms for the back and scenes from the lives of Jesus and Mary for the front. We took our time and did our best work, just like the artists who painted the originals. We were very pleased with the results.