The Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest have the joy of announcing the arrival of nine new postulants. Postulancy is an year of discernment during which the young lady begins to learn the life of a Sister Adorer. 

The new postulants come from countries as widespread as the United States, Nigeria, Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, and Argentina. 
Please pray for these young ladies as they begin their initial formation in the religious life!



It is with great sadness that the GB Province of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest has learned of the passing of Mr. David Lloyd, a former Chairman of the Latin Mass Society of England & Wales.

His efforts and those of his contemporaries did much to advocate and preserve the liturgical patrimony that we continue to express today in the glorification of God. David was a true proponent of the Vetus Ordo and we should be truly grateful for his efforts to make known the rich liturgical heritage of Holy Mother Church.

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

Photo shows the Prior General, Monsignor Wach with David Lloyd, Leo Darroch and Michael Davies to his left. Canon Philippe Mora is far right on a visit to the Motherhouse of the Institute at Gricigliano, Florence, Italy.



After having prepared themselves for a few days in the house of the Sister Adorers in Le Noirmont, Switzerland, the new first-year seminarians recently received their choir habit from the hands of Canon Mora, the Seminary Rector.

This academic year will have seminary chapel filled with thirty young men beginning their priestly formation.  Their newly-received choir habit, a blue cape, places them already under the protection of Our Lady as they begin their years of formation.

May the Blessed Virgin, protect them and nurture their vocations to be good and holy priests for the Church!



At the recent Chapter meeting of the Institute it was very pleasing to see dear Canon Fragelli in attendance. You will recall that Canon contracted Covid-19 at a very early in time in the pandemic and suffered greatly. However, with the help of God and Our Blessed Mother and with your many prayers, he continues to recover. At the time, Monsignor Wach made the following statement:

Dear friends,

We give thanks to God for the presence of Canon Fragelli among us during the Chapter.

He continues his rehabilitation with very promising results. During his visit, he was able to thank the medical staff of the Florence hospital who treated him at the height of his illness, for more than four months.

In Christo Rege,

Monsignor Gilles Wach
Given at Gricigliano – 6th September 2022


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022

Reqiuem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei Requiescat in pace. Amen.

Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Elizabeth, the Queen and for her successor, His Majesty King Charles III.

God Save the King!