From the Prior General, Monsignor Gilles WACH
Dear friends,
With the Holy Father having opened the Holy Year, I’m pleased to send you all my best wishes for this important year, which I hope will be full of heavenly graces and blessings.
It is by the side of the manger that we gather on this beautiful Christmas night, where the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph invite us to contemplate the Son of God made man.
What does this beautiful Child do? He gives us his Heart full of love, as Pope Francis teaches us in his encyclical Dilexit nos: ‘Entering into the Heart of Christ, we feel loved by a human heart filled with affections and emotions like our own. Jesus’ human will freely choose to love us, and that spiritual love is flooded with grace and charity. When we plunge into the depths of his heart, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the immense glory of his infinite love as the eternal Son, which we can no longer separate from his human love.’
Let us adore this Heart, so sacred and so good. Let us confide in Him and implore Him for the Church and the world. In this way, we will become true ‘pilgrims of hope’!
Finally, as the encyclical reminds us, let us not neglect to make reparation for all the countless offences committed by men against his ineffable goodness, his generosity and his divinity.
May the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus extend over the world and bless us all.
Happy Holy Year to all!