Many people from around the world travelled to Florence, Italy to witness the timeless magnificence of the sacred rites of Holy Mother Church, as she ordained new young men to be servants of her God and King, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Commencing on Monday, 1st July, the first year seminarians received the cassock from our Prior General, Monsignor Gilles Wach. Henceforth they will put aside the attire of this world to “put on Christ as their portion” and be a visible sign to the world of their devotion and service to Holy Mother Church.

On Tuesday, 2nd July, the clerical tonsure, the ordination of porters, lectors, exorcists and acolytes was conferred on the seminarians of each class, imparting on them the corollary graces necessary to the priestly office, to which they have been called by God. His Lordship, Bishop Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles (Louisiana).


On Wednesday, 3rd July those called to the Sacred Orders of the subdeaconate and the deaconate were ordained by Archbishop Pozzo. They received the necessary grace for their new responsibilities and advance in their solemn commitment to perpetual celibacy for the Kingdom of Heaven and to the selfless service of Holy Mother Church for the salvation of souls.

On Thursday, 4th July, 7 young men were ordained to the Sacred Priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ by the hands of His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke. The seven newly ordained priests will henceforth walk this earth as dispensers of the mysteries of God and the sacraments of salvation. Deo gratias!

We give due thanks to God for the gifts He has bestowed on us durting this week by the solemn chant of the Te Deum in seminary chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Gricigliano in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Following Solemn Benediction, the evening continued with the annual banquet dinner to celebrate with the families of the ordained all the blessings received this past year and our Lord’s gift of the sacred priesthood to His Church. No celebration of such divine magnificence and generosity would be complete without fireworks!


What is St Benedict’s Academy all about? We are a part-time academy based in Preston, Lancashire, looked after by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, and welcome children from age 5 to 18. In September, the academy will be entering into its third academic year, having started in January 2018.

The education provided at St. Benedict’s is all deeply rooted in the Catholic faith, as all subjects lead back to Our Lord. Whether in the study of History, with the Incarnation as its centre-piece, learning about and admiring the wonderful creation of God through the sciences, or in the study of the sacred language of the Church, Latin, through looking at the texts of the Mass, as well as passages from the Vulgate, Christ is always at the centre.

As priests, it is a great privilege to be able to teach the children, and to pass on the faith to them. The Sisters Adorers teach Catechism and French, as well as Gregorian Chant and Polyphony. It is wonderful to have religious around the school, as an example and inspiration to the children!

Every Friday, at 12 noon, there is a sung Mass at English Martyrs, at which some of the boys from St. Benedict’s serve, and the rest of the children sing the Kyriale of the Mass, as well some of the Ordinary, along with one or two polyphonic motets.

While the majority of the teachers at St. Benedict’s are volunteers, there are in fact many other essential costs needed to run the formation of the children, which include: heating of the building, electricity and water bills, textbooks, insurance and maintenance of the Academy.

As the academy is a charity, we never wish to turn a family away if they are not able to afford the fees and at present the majority of families do not pay fees. In order to keep the Academy running and to provide a strong catholic education to as many children as possible, we rely on the donations of generous benefactors.

As we read in our dearly-beloved Missal at Christmas time, “Thine almighty Word, O Lord, leaped down from heaven”. Priests must always imitate Christ in all things. Therefore, Canon Vianney Poucin, accompanied by Philip Russell (a trustee) and Kevin Russell-Young (a parent of three of the children) will also be leaping from the heavens (15000ft), but by means of an aeroplane and a parachute in order to raise funds for St Benedict’s!

The planned date is the 4th September in Lancaster

Will you help make Catholic Education great again? Will you sponsor them?
#If you feel able, visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/parachuting-priest


4th July 2019
Florence, Italy.

His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke ordained 7 new priests this morning in at Santi Michele e Gaetano in central Florence.

The new priests are:

Canon Edaward Turner

Canon James Hoogerwerf

Canon Ross Bourgeois

Canon Ryan Post

Canon Jorge Vela Martin

Canon Axel Ringeval

Canon Miguel Angel Cañadas Carpio

On Wednesday, The Most Reverend Guido Pozzo, Titular Archbishop of Balneoregium ordained 10 deacons and 8 subdeacons

Please pray for your new priests, deacons and subdeacons and in your prayer also thank Almighty God for the great gifts He continues to bestow upon this Institute.


His Eminence, Cardinal Burke arrives

Maundy Thursday – Tenebrae

Maundy Thursday – Mass followed by Vespers, Washing of the Feet and Stripping of the Altar

Good Friday – Tenebrae

Good Friday – The Passion and Mass of the Presanctified

Good Friday Meal – Cardinal Burke and the Seminary Superiors serve Seminarians and visitors

Holy Saturday – Tenebrae


This is a short video of the motherhouse of the Institute at Gricigliano in the beautiful Tuscany countryside.

This video shows the Villa Martelli and surrouinding buildings before and after renovation. Whilst it is captioned in the French language, we are sure you will understand the message!