Of your charity, please add to your prayers the Eternal rest of the soul of Count Wolfgang Waldstein, Governor-General of the Society of the Sacred Heart (secular branch of the Institute), called to God at about noon, 17 October 2023, at the age of 95.
The General Chapter was held at the beginning of September. An important week in the life of the life of the Institute.
The commencement – The Veni Creator
Renewal of commitment to the Institute taken by the Canons The MassesMass with Monsignor Wach, the Prior General on the feast of the beheading of St John the Baptist
With the Monsignor Schmitz, the Vicar General of the Institute on the feast of St Rose of Lima Pontifical Mass with His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke on the feast of St Raymond of Penafort Conferences and Instructions Meals Te Deum in thanksgiving at the end of the Chapter2023 ORDINATION PHOTOGRAPHY
With due credit to the seminarians of Gricigliano who took these beautiful photographs, we are pleased to present a chronicle of the 2023 Ordinations in Florence.
Presentation of the Cassock and Incardinations
Minor Orders conferred by His Lordship Bishop Madega, Bishop of Mouila in Gabon
Major Orders conferred by His Grace Archbishop Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, USA, in the presence of His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Te Deum of Thanksgiving celebrated by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke followed by dinner and fireworks
Florence, 5th July 2023
This morning, in the presence of His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, His Grace, the Archbishop of San Francisco, the Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone conferred Holy Orders upon 5 subdeacons and 6 deacons at the Church of Santi Michele e Gaetano.
On Monday, a group of seminarians at the end of their first year received their cassocks. Meanwhile, on Tuesday the minor orders of porter, lector, acolyte and exorcist as well as the clerical tonsure were conferred.
Deo gratias!
Priests of the GB Province gathered at Lanherne in Cornwall last week.
Shown here on a visit to the beautiful estate at Lanhydrock. From left to right: Canon Weaver (New Brighton), Canon Poucin de Wouilt (New Brighton), Canon Tanner (Plymouth), Canon Cristofoli (Vice Provincial, Preston), Canon Smith (Lanherne, Plymouth), Canon Wiener (Shrewsbury), Canon Post (Preston), Canon Ducret (Preston), Canon Amaury Montjean (Provincial, New Brighton)
On Saturday 1st April 2023, just before Holy Mother Church began the ceremonies of Holy Week, four young deacons were ordained to the Holy Order of the Sacred Priesthood at the Church of Saints Michael and Gaetano, Florence by His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke.
Canon Dodd, Great Britain (pictured second left)
Canon McCowen, Great Britain (pictured third left)
Canon Wells, United States of America (pictured far right)
Canon Bell, United States of America (pictured far left)
Tu es sacérdos in ætérnum secúndum órdinem Melchísedech.
V: O Lord, save Charles our King
R: and hear us in the day that we shall call upon thee.
Let us pray.
We beseech thee, almighty God, that thy servant Charles our King, who through thy mercy has undertaken the government of this realm, may also receive an increase of all virtues. Fittingly adorned with these, may he be able to shun all evildoing, and, together with the Queen consort and the royal family, to come by thy grace unto thee who art the way, the truth, and the life. Through Christ our Lord.
R: Amen.
St. Thomas Aquinas, is the beacon of fidelity to the Church’s doctrine and the papacy and his feast is celebrated each year on the 7th March. As a secondary patron of the Institute, St. Thomas Aquinas is celebrated in Oratories, Churches and Chapels of the ICKSP as a First Class feast. These photographs chronicle the liturgy of the feast day at our Motherhouse in Gricigliano.
First Vespers
Solemn Lauds
Holy Mass
Second Vespers
Dear Friends of the Institute,
On this first day of the month of March, dedicated to St. Joseph, patron saint of a good death, it is with great sadness that we inform you that Canon Henrique Fragelli passed away early this morning in Brazil at the age of 59 years after suffering from a pulmonary infection.
Ordained to the priesthood on July 3, 2008 by His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, he exercised his priestly ministry in Wausau, in the diocese of La Crosse (United States), then in Oakland (United States) and finally in Mouila (Gabon).
Through his tireless work and great zeal, he was able to give new life to our mission in Mouila. He established a school, a dispensary and an orphanage.
Having contracted Covid in the spring of 2021, he had to be hospitalised for a long time. Many of you prayed for his recovery. After his miraculous recovery, his health became very fragile.
Deeply grateful for the spiritual support you have generously offered him, I now ask you to pray for the repose of his priestly soul. May he who gave his life in the service of Holy Mother Church within the family of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest now receive the eternal reward promised to those who labor in the vineyard of Our Blessed Lord.
I also entrust the family of Canon Fragelli to your prayers in this time of sorrow, as well as all those who are afflicted by his passing.
Throughout this holy season of Lent, may our Mother of Sorrows strengthen us all in the hope of the Resurrection of her divine Son and in the joyful expectation of the heavenly life to come.
Requiescat in pace.
In Christo Rege,
Msgr. Gilles Wach
Prior General
The Institute in Great Britain draw your attention to a need that has arisen at our New Brighton apostolate, namely a failed heating system and cold people!
Whilst the radiant glory eminating from Our Lord truly present in His home upon the Altar does all to keep the spiritual heart constantly warm, the environmental temprature is lacking due to a failed heating system that gave 40 years of service to the Dome of Home!
Please read the message from Canon Montjean on here and only if you can, please help us.