Dear Friends,
Please find attached the newsletter for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost.
BISHOP’S VISIT: This coming Sunday 27th September at 10.30 am we have the great joy to welcome Bishop Campbell, who will administer the sacrament of confirmation and celebrate a Pontifical Low Mass. Our friends the St. Philip Neri Choir are coming to sing sacred music by Elgar, Viadana, Byrd, Palestrina and Bruckner. Please consider inviting your family and friends to what will certainly be a memorable occasion. It also marks the first anniversary of the establishment of the Shrine.
Please note that there will be a 5K race in Preston that morning, so some roads will be closed. You may want to allow yourself a few extra minutes to arrive on time.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you can help prepare some food for the reception that will follow the reception, please contact Mrs. Maria Platt (). We are also looking for volunteers this coming Saturday 26th at 11.30 am to tidy the garden and prepare the church hall for the reception.
THANK YOU: To all the volunteers who made the Heritage Open Days last week-end such a success.
Canon Altiere.