Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen.
Canon Scott Tanner
Christus Rex MMXVIII
For the Feast of Christ the King, we had a beautiful Solemn High Mass, followed by a procession of the Blessed Sacrament during which the Holy Rosary was recited. We were truly blessed with glorious weather for such a beautiful procession. In the evening, we had Solemn Vespers continued by Adoration and Benediction and to finalise we had a little firework display. It was a wonderful Feast Day, enjoyed and participated by many faithful!
Monsignor Wach Visits Preston!
On 22nd September 2018, Monsignor G. Wach arrived for his now almost traditional annual visit to Preston. In the evening, he gave a very encouraging and fruitful speech about the Lay Society of the Sacred Heart, the speech was attended my many faithful. On the 23rd, Monsignor’s second day, he celebrated Solemn High Mass at the Shrine Church of St. Walburge and then later in the evening, we had Solemn Vespers and Adoration with Benediction. We thank Monsignor for his kindness and generosity to the Apostolates during his visit!
Monsignor Wach visits Preston!
On the 22nd September 2018, Monsignor G. Wach, arrived for his now almost traditional annual visit. In the evening, he gave a very encouraging and fruitful speech about the Lay society of the Sacred Heart, the speech was attended by many faithful. On the 23rd, Monsignor’s second day, he celebrated Solemn High Mass at the Shrine Church of St. Walburge’s and then later in the evening, we had Solemn Vespers and Adoration with Benediction. We thank Monsignor Wach for his kindness and generosity to the Apostolates whilst in Preston!