St Augustine’s Convent
Dear Friends and Benefactors
Since the opening of our little convent in Saint Austin’s Place, in November 2017, following the kind invitation of Bishop Michael Campbell O.S.A. (now retired), we have begun our mission in Lancashire.
Following the example of many generations of monks and nuns, our life is centred on daily prayer and meditation in front of the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We now have Adoration every Thursday at St Walburge’s from 9.30 am to 7 pm. We have the particular mission to care for the sacristy of the Shrine Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, which has been entrusted to the Canons of the Institute.
et labora
Following the motto of Saint Benedict, “Ora et Labora”, prayer & work, we dedicate a part of our time to cleaning and tidying this beautiful church of the English Martyrs, especially before the great litugical feasts such as Easter, Saint George, protector of England, and the English Martyrs. As we work in the church, it is a sincere joy for us to see people coming to the church to visit and pray.
Teaching at the Saint Benedict Academy
We have been helping our Prestonian Canons at the Saint Benedict Academy, which opened in January 2018. Two of our Sisters teach English, French, Art, Catechism and Gregorian chant to the children. It is a great joy for us to be like another presence of God for these little souls! On Fridays we sing the propers of the Mass, while the children of the Academy sing the Kyriale they have just learned with us.
Gregorian Chant
Every Sunday we sing the Solemn Mass at St Walburge’s, helping our Canons in Preston, uniting our voices to the splendor of the divine Roman liturgy. It is also the opportunity to meet the great family of the Walburgian parishioners.
Be assured of our daily prayers during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: all of our life is sacrificed and offered for you and for your intentions, so please do not hesitate to send them to us.
May God bless you and may Our Lady of Walsingham protect you!
God bless you,
Your Sister Adorers
Your Sisters need your help!
We have chosen to live true and real poverty as part of our vocation for the benefit of souls. Our contemplative life therefore does not provide us any income, and we have our expenses, which we try to keep as low as possible: we rely solely on the generosity and charity of our friends, and we would be very grateful if you could help us financially.
If you were able to set up (even a small) monthly donation, this would be a great help and would enable us to more fully dedicate ourselves to Adoration and prayer for all of you. Please see the email address on the ‘Contact’ page to request details.
Thank you in advance for your support, and please be assured of our special prayers for our benefactors.