Thanks to Divine Providence, our generous benefactors and the work of our seminary candidates (under the steady supervision of Canon Ducret!), preparations are underway at the future facilities of Saint Benedict’s Academy, next to Saint Walburge’s Church.  It is an exciting time for us!  More spacious buildings and outside activity space provide great opportunities for growth and development.  

We hope to be able to move the Academy this autumn.  Let us entrust this intention to Saint Benedict and Saint Joseph!  

Support the Saint Benedict Academy now with gofundme!  Spread the word!

Contribute to our fundraising here.


Having contracted Covid-19 at our mission in Gabon in the early part of the pandemic, Canon Fragelli has undergone intensive treatment since he became very poorly.

He was initially brought to Italy for treatment and has now joined his family in Brazil for further convalescence.

Please keep him in your prayers

Canon is wished a safe journey by Monsignor Wach



As Holy Week approaches, I take the liberty once again of commending to your prayers, which are certainly even more fervent in this holy time, Canon Fragelli.

His general condition is good, his life out of danger. However, rehabilitation is long, the progress very slow: Canon Fragelli still cannot stand on his own or walk.

He is tested by this. This is all the more so since the care centre in Florence does not allow visitors to come, which above all deprives him of the daily consolation of Holy Communion.

Let us therefore redouble our prayers for his recovery: walking would allow him to return to one of our homes!

In anticipation, accept my deep gratitude for your charity,

In Christo Rege,

Monsignor Gilles Wach
6th April 2022


Our Catholic Academy located in Preston, Lancashire has uploaded their latest newsletter which captures the good work and progress being made.

Read more in the newsletter which can be downloaded here.

Our work depends on your goodwill and support both in prayer and where you feel able by financial means. 

We need:

£25,000 to repair our roof,
£35,000 to create a suitable playground,
£20,000 to completely restore the sanitary facilities,
£7,000 to fence off the playground and the car park, and
£10,000 for redecoration and electrical work.

The Academy has received £40,000 from a couple of generous benefactors and we are very grateful for this, we still need to find £57,000!  Help us via this link. We are grateful for every penny!


Thank you for your continued prayers for Canon Altiere.

Canon Altiere was hospitalised on the 9th January and has had an unusually protracted hospitalisation as a result of a previous underlying lung condition in 2019.

Canon Altiere has reached a major milestone in his slow but steady course to regaining his health. He will be discharged from the hospital and will be moved to a pulmonary rehabilitation facility. Canon’s lungs are healing nicely and he now needs minimal oxygen support through his tracheostomy without any mechanical ventilation. He has already begun to speak again and to walk a few steps with help. Moreover, over the last few days, he has shown definitive signs of kidney recovery.

The medical team are optimistic that his tracheostomy will be reversed and that he will not need dialysis indefinitely.

Canon has expressed how deeply grateful he is for everyone’s prayers. saying that he almost has a sensible awareness of how much spiritual support he has been receiving from many of you from far and wide.

A prayer from ‘THE RACCOLTA’

MICHAEL, glorious Prince, chief and champion of the heavenly host, guardian of the souls of men, conqueror of the rebel angels, who art set over the palace of GOD, our worthy captain under JESUS CHRIST, endowed with superhuman excellence and virtue; vouchsafe to free us from every evil, who with full confidence have recourse to thee; and by thy powerful protection enable us to make progress every day in the faithful service of our GOD.

V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of JESUS CHRIST.
R. That we may be made worthy of his promises.

Let us pray.

ALMIGHTY and eternal GOD, who in thy own marvellous goodness and pity didst, for the common salvation of man, choose the glorious Archangel Michael to be the Prince of thy Church; make us worthy, we pray Thee, to be delivered by his beneficent protection from all our enemies, that at the hour of our death no one of them may approach to harm us, and that by the same Archangel Michael we may be introduced into the presence of thy high and heavenly Majesty. Through the merits of JESUS CHRIST our LORD, Amen.



From the Roman Breviary:

Francíscus in óppido Salésio, unde famíliæ cognómen, piis et nobílibus paréntibus natus et liberálibus disciplínis erudítus, philosophíæ ac theologíæ Parísiis óperam dedit, et, láuream in utróque iure Patávii obtínuit. Sacerdótio initiátus et Genevénsis ecclésiæ præpositúram adéptus, eius múneris partes tam bene explévit, ut eum Granérius epíscopus vindicándis ab hǽresi Calviniána Chaballicénsibus divíni verbi præcónem destináverit. Quam expeditiónem álacri ánimo suscípiens, tot difficultátibus ac perículis, Dei ope, superátis, septuagínta duo míllia hæreticórum ad cathólicam fidem reduxísse dícitur. Mórtuo Granério, epíscopus consecrátus, novum órdinem sanctimoniálium instítuit, a Visitatióne beátæ Vírginis nuncupátum. Suis scriptis cælésti doctrína refértis Ecclésiam illustrávit. Lugdúni, gravi morbo corréptus, migrávit in cælum, anno millésimo sexcentésimo vigésimo secúndo, et a summo Pontífice Pio nono, ex sacrórum Rítuum Congregatiónis consúlto, universális Ecclésiæ Doctor fuit declarátus. Francis was born of devout and noble parents in the town of Sales, from which his family took its name. He was given a liberal education, devoted himself to the study of philosophy and theology at Paris and gained the degree of Doctor in civil and canon law at Padua. When he had been ordained priest and made provost of the church of Geneva, he carried out the duties of his office so well that Bishop de Granier sent him to preach the word of God in Chablais in order to win the inhabitants away from the heresy of Calvin. He undertook this mission with such great zeal and overcame so many dangers with the help of God that he is said to have brought back to the Catholic faith some seventy-two thousand heretics. When de Granier died, Francis was consecrated bishop. He founded a new order of nuns, named for the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, and enlightened the Church with writings filled with heavenly teaching. At Lyon, he was seized by a grave illness and departed to heaven in the year 1622. He was declared a Doctor of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX.


It was with great distress that we learned that dear Canon Francis Xavier Altiere has been hospitalised in the United States since Sunday as a result of Coronavirus. We understand from our American confrères that Canon is now stable but receiving supplemental oxygen, but not using a ventilator.

Canon served at Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena, New Brighton for 12 months as a deacon before being ordained by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke at St Francis de Sales Oratory, Saint Louis, Missouri on the 5th August 2014. He was then assigned as the first Rector of St Walburge, Preston before being reassigned to the United States.

We have now learned that Canon Joel Estrada, Pastor and Rector of St. Patrick’s in Waterbury, Connecticut, has also been diagnosed with the Coronavirus and was hospitalised on Wednesday. He is responding well to therapy.

Of your charity, please pray for their speedy recovery.

Sancta Maria ad nives, ora pro nobis
[Photo: Canon Altiere as deacon of the Mass on the occasion of the Latin Mass Society pilgrimage to Holywell, July 2016]

Meanwhile, prayer and the God given skills of the medical staff treating Canon Henrique Fragelli are bearing great fruit as he continues to take steps toward recovery. Treatment has been every effective. He can now sit up, communicate normally and resume a normal diet. Further rehabilitive treatment will commence in January. Once again, we thank you for your prayers, which we request continue. Canon is in a far better place now than he was only a short time ago.


It is with great pleasure that we convey our birthday greetings to Seminary Rector and Co-founder of the Institute, M. le Chanoine Philippe Mora whose 70th birthday is today.

Please of your charity, afford Canon a prayer today!