Following the recent decisions of the government, Saint Benedict’s has been able to re-open its doors for the month of March after two months of exclusively online learning. It is a great joy for teachers, students, and the principal to be able to return to the classroom and spend less time in front of our screens and monitors!
These last two months have not been without fruit though, both in the education of our children and the material progress of our Academy. Since Saint Benedict’s is not a school, parents and children must work diligently at home to ensure that they receive an excellent education and that the love of learning will draw students to deepen their knowledge of both natural and supernatural truths. We are confident that our children continue to be formed with great continuity, whatever the day-to-day or month-to-month circumstances may bring.
Furthermore, it is fitting that this month of March, dedicated to the glorious Saint Joseph, has also seen the completion of important building improvements. Formerly, we had to rely on electric space-heaters to keep a reasonable temperature in the front rooms of our Academy. But now, thanks to the work of local plumber Dan Johnson, the central heating system has been extended into these rooms with several new radiators.
Each morning at the Academy, the children pray to our holy patrons, the saint of the day, the English martyrs, and Saint Joseph. His intercession is crucial, not only to provide us with what we need materially, but also to guide the children in virtue and in living closely united to Jesus and Mary.
May all of our benefactors, who make these works possible, be blessed through the intercession of Saint Joseph! May our Blessed Patriarch watch over the families of our Academy and reward the sacrifices that they make for Catholic education!
Ite ad Joseph!
Canon Post, Principal