If we desire that our children should have a deeply-rooted Catholic faith, it is essential that they enter into the great mysteries of the Church’s liturgical year. In keeping with the spirituality of the Institute of Christ the King, Saint Benedict’s strives to impress this love of the liturgy upon the hearts of its students.
One of the means for doing so is the morning talk. We begin each day with prayer and a short spiritual talk by the Principal. This is often the occasion to explain the great feasts of both the temporal cycle (those mysteries primarily centred on the life of Our Lord) and sanctoral cycle (the celebration of the saints) in the liturgy.
For the great feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, the families of Saint Benedict’s gathered together for a joyful meal and for both Solemn Mass and Vespers. We are blessed to have these offices accompanied by the prayerful Gregorian chant of our Sister Adorers and served by our very enthusiastic altar boys, who are always eager to participate and learn new roles! Our young ladies see the beauty and happiness of the vocation of the Sisters, while the young men draw near to the altar through the liturgical service.
Now we prepare with great zeal during the novena to Pentecost. Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of thy love!