Dear Faithful,
Many of us appreciate very much the reception in the hall after the 12:30 pm Mass. It gives our families a chance to get together, to meet and greet and to forge or renew friendships. Most of our faithful drive a long way to and from Mass, and the reception with refreshments is therefore a welcome occasion, especially for those families with little children.
I want to express my sincere gratefulness toward those ladies who have prepared the coffee hour over the recent years faithfully by providing sandwiches and other foods, tea and coffee, who overlooked the event itself and then cleaned the hall carefully afterwards.
However, for the relatively small number of team members, the hospitality on all Sundays has become too difficult to organise. I am kindly asking you therefore for more help and support. If you feel able and would enjoy to help with the reception, please contact Adeline Rayment at 07530-521-568 or at you very much!
With the assurance of my prayers and blessings for all of you and your families,
Canon Wiener