Stations of the Cross take place each Friday in Lent following the 10am Mass.
Brown Scapular enrolment
According to the century old Carmelite tradition, the brown scapular of the Carmelites was given by the Blessed Virgin to St. Simon Stock on July 16th in the year 1251. Pope Sixtus V approved a feast in 1587 that commemorates this important private revelation to the English man and crusader, St. Simon Stock in the South of England. If you wish to be enrolled in the confraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel by receiving the brown scapular, please present yourself at the communion rail. Please obtain a brown scapular and hold it in your hand at the beginning of the short ceremony. Canon Wiener will bless the scapulars and then impose them individually.
Relic of Saint Bernadette in Shrewsbury
Saint Bernadette Relic Tour 2022
The relic of Saint Bernadette will be in our Diocese on Tuesday 13th September in Shrewsbury Cathedral and Wednesday 14th September in Saint Werburgh’s Chester.
This is an amazing opportunity and time of grace for us. Those wishing to venerate the relic are strongly encouraged to book a time to visit via the national website here,
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will take place every Friday in Lent after the 10:00 am Mass in the church commencing Friday, 4th March