✠ Preparation to first Confession and first Holy Communion (age 7+): Please contact Canon Post. Lesson on Saturday, 14th December and 11th January, following the 10am Mass.
✠ First steps in Faith (age 5-6): Please contact Canon Montjean. Bring your pencil crayons! Lesson on Saturday, 11th January following the 10am Mass.
✠ Catechism Class from scratch: For anyone wishing to learn more about the Catholic Faith or considering reception into the church/baptism. If you cannot make this for whatever reason, please contact Canon Montjean for individual tuition. Next class on Friday 13th at 7.15pm.
✠ Craft Group: Knitting, crochet, patchwork, tapestry. Beginners welcome. Contact: Dorothy McCarthy 0776 775 2671. No meeting in January. Next meeting Saturday 1st Feb at 11:00am.
✠ New Year Social! New Brighton Cricket Club, Sunday 5th January after 10.30am Mass. Celebrate “Little Christmas” together with a shared table, hot drinks, bar, music and more! FREE AND ALL WELCOME! Calling helpers and talent! Contact Clare 0771 4710275 If you are able to help with the food for this event by bringing along a plate of something tasty will you please contact Liz Byrd 0727667393 so that the food is coordinated. Thank you