Heritage Open Days

Heritage Open Days are almost upon us again and this year, Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena has two events that we hope you will find of interest. They are free of charge, although we will not refuse a donation toward the restoration of this unique Wirral landmark church.

Heritage Open Days at the Dome of Home feature Scaffolding tours and the Organ recital. We also seek volunteers to help make the events a success.

Scaffolding Tour – Saturday 18th September

Explore the inside of the Church in a unique way – using the scaffolding! Also meet the Architect overseeing the current interior refurbishment works.

High level tours 2pm, 3pm, 4pm & 5pm – Accessible to physically able with alternative low level discussion
Low level discussion 1.30pm, 2.30pm, 3.30pm & 4.30pm – for the less physically able.

A display of the works programme and a film by Liverpool TV on our project will be available to watch in the narthex.

Due to the limited number of people being permitted on a tour, free tickets must be reserved via Eventbrite here:

Organ recital – various dates below – all performances start at 4pm

19 September 2021   French Organ Mass (F. Couperin Messe pour les paroisses)
17 October 2021   Italian Organ Mass (Frescobaldi Fiori musicali)
14 November 2021   Lutheran Organ Mass (J. S. Bach Clavier-Übung III)
12 December 2021   Bach & Daquin for Advent & Christmas
23 January 2022   Gregorian Chant in Lutheran Liturgy & Organ
27 February 2022   Music for Lent
27 March 2022   Magnificat: Music for Our Lady
24 April 2022   Music for Easter
22 May 2022   Lutheran Hymnody
19 June 2022   Veni, Sancte Spiritus: Pentecost


Mr. Christian Spence (organist)
the Canons of the ICKSP and the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus (singers)

Free of charge.

All followed by a National Lottery ‘thank you’ cuppa!


Volunteers are required to help with these events, if you can help with :

Preparing the hard hats between tours
Welcoming visitors and answering questions about our church
Distributing posters and flyers to the local area

To volunteer, contact us here.

Publicity posters:

Scaffolding Tours flyer click here.
Organ Recitals flyer click here.

Grave Blessings

During the month of November, your Canons are available to bless the graves of your family members and friends. Please fill the form at the back of the church with all details and return it in the printed envelope to one of the Canons. They will publish in the newsletter which Saturday and time in November they will bless the graves. They will do their best to make one travel to each cemetery. If your grave is not in one of the cemeteries mentioned on the form, please indicate it to the Canons. Thank you!






Image: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en

Catechism Class from scratch

For anyone wishing to learn more about the Catholic Faith or considering reception into the church/baptism why not come along to this class?

If you cannot make this for whatever reason, please contact Canon Montjean for individual tuition. There is no Class in August. Class will resume on Friday 20th September at 7.15pm

Feast of Ss Peter and Paul

The Feast of Ss Peter and Paul is not only the patronal feast of this Shrine church but in England and Wales a Holy Day of Obligation.

There will be a Sung Mass at Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena at 10am on Saturday next.

Good Shepherd Sunday Seminary Collection

On Sunday 14th April 2024,  the annual Good Shepherd Sunday Seminary Collection will take place.

Please help our vocations by supporting the Institute’s seminary in Gricigliano! Your priests of tomorrow!

Thank you very much for helping us in the formation of good and generous shepherds of souls!

Triduum Paschale 2024

Sunday 24th March
Palm Sunday

Low Mass

Blessing of the palms, procession and High Mass

Solemn Vespers & Benediction

Thursday 28th March
Maundy Thursday

Gregorian Matins – ‘Tenebrae’

2pm – 6pm

High Mass & Procession – Adoration until Midnight

Friday 29th March
Good Friday

Gregorian Matins – ‘Tenebrae’

12 noon – 2pm

Stations of the Cross

Mass of the Presanctified – 5pm – 6pm: Confessions

Saturday 30th March
Holy Saturday

Gregorian Matins – ‘Tenebrae’

2pm – 5pm

Easter Vigil, Adult Baptism & High Mass
(This Mass doesn’t fulfill your Sunday obligation).

Sunday 31st March
Easter Sunday

Low Mass with organ

High Mass

Solemn Vespers & Benediction

Virtual Retreat for Lent

Mary’s Mantle Consecration: You are invited to join the WhatsApp group for daily recorded meditations. Please speak to Tasha for more info or a Canon.

  • Communal prayer intention chosen by Canon Montjean: for the unity of the Church.
  • Individual prayer intention: can be private if you don’t want to reveal to the group.
  • Culminates in Total Consecration to Our Lady at The Dome with the Canons on Holy Saturday.
  • Requirements: pray daily rosary for the 46 days of Lent; listen/read the daily meditation on a different virtue every day; fast for one allocated day when the rest of the group offers their rosary for your intention.

Fatima Day for Families

Saturday 6th April at 12 noon

Mass followed by packed lunch, spiritual talk, craft activity for girls and younger children, Bushcraft activity outside for boys. If you would like to attend, please contact Canon Poucin or Caroline.