Liturgical Calendar 2024

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DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stCircumcision of Our LordWhite1st Class
2ndMost Holy Name of JesusWhite2nd Class
3rdFeria of ChristmastideWhite4th Class
4thFeria of Christmastide
Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (1st Thursday)
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
5thFeria of Christmastide Comm. St Telesphorus
Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1st Friday)
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
6thEpiphanyWhite1st Class
7thThe Holy Family
2nd Class
8thFeria after the EpiphanyWhite4th Class
9th Feria after the Epiphany
White4th Class
10th Feria after the EpiphanyWhite4th Class
11th Feria after the Epiphany Comm. St Hyginus
St Hyginus
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
12th Feria after the Epiphany White4th Class
13thBaptism of Our LordWhite2nd Class
14thSecond Sunday after EpiphanyGreen2nd Class
15thSt Paul the Hermit Comm. St. Maurus, AbbotWhite3rd Class
16thSt MarcellusRed3rd Class
17thSt AnthonyWhite3rd Class
18thChair of St Peter in Rome
Comm. St Prisca and prayer for Church unity
White4th Class
19thFeria Comm. Ss Marius, Martha, Audifax & Abachum and St Canute
Votive Mass for unity of the Church Comm. Ss Marius, Martha, Audifax & Abachum and St Canute
Ss Marius, Martha, Audifax & Abachum Comm. St Canute with prayer for Church unity
or Violet
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
or 4th Class
20thSs Fabian and Sebastian
with prayer for Church unity
Red3rd Class
21stThird Sunday after Epiphany
with prayer for Church unity
Green2nd Class
22ndSs Vincent and AnastasiaRed3rd Class
23rdSt Raymund of Penafort Comm. St Emerentiana and prayer for Church unityWhite3rd Class
24thSt Timothy
with prayer for Church unity
White3rd Class
25thConversion of St Paul
and prayer for Church unity
White3rd Class
26thSt PolycarpRed3rd Class
27thSt John ChrysostomWhite3rd Class
28thSeptuagesima Sunday
or External Solemnity of St Francis de Sales Comm. Septuagesima Sunday
or White
2nd Class
or 2nd Class
29thSt Francis de Sales (Patron of the Institute)
White1st Class
30thSt MartinaRed3rd Class
31stSt John BoscoWhite3rd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stSt Ignatius
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (1st Thursday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
2ndThe Purification of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite2nd Class
3rdSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary
or Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1st Saturday)
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
4thSexagesima Sunday Violet 2nd Class
5thSt AgathaRed3rd Class
6thSt Titus Comm. of St DorothyWhite3rd Class
7thSt RomualdWhite3rd Class
8thSt John of MaltaWhite3rd Class
9thSt Cyril of Alexandria Comm. of St. ApolloniaWhite3rd Class
10thSt ScholasticaWhite3rd Class
11thQuinquagesima Sunday
(Commencement of Quarant'ore - 40 Hours Devotion)
Violet2nd Class
12thSeven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
or Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament Comm. Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
or White
3rd Class
or 2nd Class
or Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament
or White
4th Class
or 2nd Class
14thAsh WednesdayViolet1st Class
15thLenten Feria Comm. of Ss Faustinus & JovitaWhite3rd Class
16thLenten Feria Violet3rd Class
17thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
18th1st Sunday in LentViolet1st Class
19thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
20thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
21stEmber WednesdayViolet2nd Class
22ndChair of St Peter at Antioch Comm. of St Paul & Comm. of FeriaWhite2nd Class
23rdEmber Friday Comm. of St Peter DamianViolet2nd Class
24thEmber Saturday Violet2nd Class
25th 2nd Sunday in LentViolet1st Class
26thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
27thLenten Feria Violet3rd Class
28thLenten Feria Comm. of St Gabriel of Our Lady of SorrowsViolet3rd Class
29thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stLenten Feria
or Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1st Friday)
Violet3rd Class
2ndLenten Feria
or Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1st Saturday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
3rd3rd Sunday in LentViolet1st Class
4thLenten Feria Comm. of St Casimir C and St Lucius IViolet3rd Class
5thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
6thLenten Feria Comm. Ss Perpetua & FelicityViolet3rd Class
7thSt Thomas Aquinas (Patron of the Institute)White1st Class
8thLenten Feria Comm. of St John of GodViolet3rd Class
9thLenten Feria Comm. of St Frances of RomeViolet3rd Class
10th4th Sunday in Lent Laetare SundayViolet/Rose1st Class
11thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
12thLenten Feria Comm. of St GregoryViolet3rd Class
13thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
14thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
15thLenten Feria Violet3rd Class
16thLenten FeriaViolet3rd Class
17thPassion SundayViolet1st Class
18thMonday of Passion Week Comm. of St Cyril of JerusalemViolet3rd Class
19thSt Joseph (Patron of the universal Church) White1st Class
20thWednesday in Passion Week
or Votive Mass of the Coronation of the Pope
or White
3rd Class
or 2nd Class
21stSt Benedict (Patron of the Institute) Comm. Thursday in Passion WeekWhite1st Class
22ndFriday in Passion Week Comm. of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
or Seven Sorrows of Our Lady Comm. Friday in Passion Week
or White
3rd Class
or 2nd Class
23rdSaturday in Passion Week Violet3rd Class
24thPalm SundayViolet1st Class
25thMonday in Holy WeekViolet1st Class
26thTuesday in Holy WeekViolet1st Class
27thWednesday in Holy WeekViolet1st Class
28thHoly Thursday - Mass of the Lord's SupperWhite1st Class
29thGood FridayBlack1st Class
30thHoly SaturdayViolet (Vigil)
White (Mass)
1st Class
31stEaster SundayWhite1st Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stEaster MondayWhite1st Class
2ndEaster TuesdayWhite1st Class
3rdEaster WednesdayWhite1st Class
4thEaster ThursdayWhite1st Class
5thEaster FridayWhite1st Class
6thEaster SaturdayWhite1st Class
7thLow Sunday Divine Mercy SundayWhite1st Class
8thAnnunciation of Our Lady transferred from the 25th MarchWhite1st Class
9thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
10thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
11thSt LeoWhite3rd Class
12thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
13thSt HermenegildRed3rd Class
14th2nd Sunday after EasterWhite2nd Class
15thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
16thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
17thFeria in Paschaltide Comm. of St Anicetus
St Anicetus
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
18thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
19thFeria in PaschaltideWhite4th Class
20thSaturday of Our Lady White4th Class
21st3rd Sunday after EasterWhite2nd Class
22ndSs Soter & CaiusRed3rd Class
23rdSt George (Protector of England)Red1st Class
24thSt Fidelis of SigmaringenRed3rd Class
25thSt Mark Comm.of the Greater Litanies
or Rogations Comm. St Mark
or Violet
2nd Class
or 2nd Class
26thSs Cletus & MarcellinusRed3rd Class
27thSt Peter CanisiusWhite3rd Class
28th4th Sunday after Easter White2nd Class
29thSt Peter of VeronaRed3rd Class
30thSt Catherine of SienaWhite3rd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stSt Joseph the WorkerWhite1st Class
2ndSt Athanasius
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest 1st Thursday)
White3rd Class
3rdFeria of Paschaltide Comm. of SS Alexander, Eventius & Theodulus & St Juvenal
 Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1st Friday) Comm. of SS Alexander, Eventius & Theodulus & St Juvenal
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
4thSt Monica
or Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1st Saturday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
5th5th Sunday after EasterWhite2nd Class
6thFeria of Paschaltide
or Votive Mass of Rogations (Lesser Litanies)
or Violet
4th Class
or 2nd Class
7thSt Stanislaus
or Votive Mass of Rogations (Lesser Litanies)
or Violet
3rd Class
or 2nd Class
8thVigil of the Ascension
or Votive Mass of Rogations (Lesser Litanies)
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
9thAscension of Our LordWhite1st Class
10thSt Antoninus Comm. of St Gordian & EpimachusWhite3rd Class
11thSs Philip and JamesRed2nd Class
12thSunday after the Ascension of Our LordWhite2nd Class
13thSt Robert Bellarmine White3rd Class
14thFeria of Ascensiontide Comm. of St Boniface of Tarsus or St Boniface of TarsusWhite
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
15thSt John Baptist de la SalleWhite3rd Class
16thSt UbaldWhite3rd Class
17thSt Paschal BaylonWhite3rd Class
18thVigil of Whit SundayRed1st Class
19thPentecost SundayRed1st Class
20thMonday in the Octave of PentecostWhite1st Class
21stTuesday in the Octave of PentecostWhite1st Class
22ndEmber Wednesday in the Octave of PentecostWhite1st Class
23rdThursday in the Octave of PentecostWhite1st Class
24thEmber Friday in the Octave of PentecostWhite1st Class
25thEmber Saturday in the Octave of PentecostWhite1st Class
26thFeast of the Most Holy TrinityWhite1st Class
27thAnniversary of the Dedication of Shrewsbury Cathedral (transferred from 21st May)White1st Class
28thOur Lady, Help of Christians (Titular Feast of the Cathedral of Shrewsbury) (transferred from 24th May)White1st Class
29thSt Mary Magdalen de PazziWhite3rd Class
30thCorpus ChristiWhite1st Class
31stQueenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Comm. St PetronillaWhite2nd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stSt Angela Merici
orVotive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (First Saturday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
2nd2nd Sunday After Pentecost
or External Solemnity of Corpus Christi
or White
2nd Class
or 2nd Class
3rdFeriaGreen4th Class
4thSt Francis of CaraccioloWhite3rd Class
5thSt BonifaceWhite3rd Class
6thSt Norbert
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (First Thursday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
7thMost Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus ChristWhite1st Class
8thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite4th Class
9th3rd Sunday after Pentecost
or External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
or White
2nd Class
or 2nd Class
10thSt MargaretWhite3rd Class
11thSt BarnabasRed3rd Class
12thSt John of Facondo Comm of Ss Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor & NazariusWhite3rd Class
13thSt Anthony of PaduaWhite3rd Class
14th St Basil the GreatWhite3rd Class
15thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary Comm. of Ss Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia White4th Class
16th4th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
17thSt Gregory of BarbarigoWhite3rd Class
18thSt Ephrem Comm. of Ss Mark & MarcellianWhite3rd Class
19thSt Juliana Falconieri Comm. Ss Gervaise & Protase White3rd Class
20thFeria Comm. St Silverius
St Silverius
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
21st St Aloysius of GonzagaWhite3rd Class
22ndSt PaulinusWhite3rd Class
23rd5th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
24thNativity of Saint John the BaptistWhite1st Class
25thSt William of VercelliWhite3rd Class
26thSs John and PaulRed3rd Class
27thFeriaGreen4th Class
28thVigil of St Peter & PaulViolet2nd Class
29thSs Peter & Paul Patrons of EnglandRed1st Class
30th6th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stMost Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus ChristRed1st Class
2ndVisitation of the B.V.M. Comm. Ss. Processus and MartinianWhite2nd Class
3rdSt IrenaeusRed3rd Class
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (First Thursday)
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
5thSt Anthony Mary Zaccaria or Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (First Friday)White
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
6thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary or Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (First Saturday)White
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
7th7th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
8thSt Elizabeth of PortugalWhite3rd Class
9thSs John Fisher and Thomas MoreRed1st Class
10thThe Seven Holy Brothers & Ss Rufina and SecundaRed3rd Class
11thFeria Comm St Pius I
St Pius
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
12thSt John Gualbert Comm of Ss Nabor & FelixWhite3rd Class
13thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite4th Class
14th8th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
15thSt HenryWhite3rd Class
16thFeria Comm. Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
17thFeria Comm. St Alexis
St Alexis
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
18thSt Camillus of Lellis Comm. Ss Symporosa & her 7 SonsWhite3rd Class
19thSt Vincent de PaulWhite3rd Class
20thSt Jerome Emiliani Comm. of St MargaretWhite3rd Class
21st 9th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
22ndSt Mary MagdalenWhite3rd Class
23rdSt Apollinaris Comm. St LiboriusRed3rd Class
24thFeria Comm. of St Christina of Bolsena
St Christina of Bolsena
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
25thSt James the Greater Comm. of St ChristopherRed2nd Class
26thSt Anne Mother of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite2nd Class
27thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary Comm. of St PantaleonWhite4th Class
28th10th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
29thSt Martha Comm. of Ss Felix, Simplicius, Faustinus & BeatriceWhite3rd Class
30thFeria Comm. of Ss Abdon and Sennen
Ss Abdon and Sennen
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
31stSt Ignatius of LoyolaWhite3rd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (First Thursday) Comm. of The Holy Machabees
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
2ndSt Alphonsus Mary de Liguori
or Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (First Friday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
3rdSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary
or Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (First Saturday)
4th Class
or 3rd Class
4th11th Sunday after PentecostGreen 2nd Class
5thDedication of the Basilica of Our Lady of Snows
White3rd Class
6thTransfiguration of Our LordWhite2nd Class
7thSt Cajetan Comm. of St DonatusWhite3rd Class
8thSt. John Mary Vianney Comm. of Ss Cyriacus, Largus & SmaragdusWhite3rd Class
9thVigil of St LawrenceViolet3rd Class
10thSt LawrenceRed2nd Class
11thSt Philomena (Co-Patron of the Shrine)
Comm. 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Red1st Class
12thSt Clare of AssisiWhite3rd Class
13thFeria Comm. of Ss Hippolytus and Cassian
Ss Hippolytus and Cassian
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
14thVigil of the Assumption Comm. of St EusebiusViolet2nd Class
15thAssumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite1st Class
16thSt Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite2nd Class
17thSt HyacinthGreen3rd Class
18th13th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
19thSt John Eudes White3rd Class
20thSt Bernard of ClairvauxWhite3rd Class
21st St Jane Frances de ChantalWhite3rd Class
22ndImmaculate Heart of Mary Comm.of Ss Timothy, Hyppolytus & SymphorianWhite2nd Class
23rdSt Philip BeniziWhite3rd Class
24thSt BartholomewRed2nd Class
25th14th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
26thFeria Comm. of St Zephyrinus
St Zephyrinus
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
27thSt Joseph CalasanctiusWhite3rd Class
28thSt Augustine Comm. of St HermesWhite3rd Class
29thBeheading of St John the Baptist Comm. of St SabinaRed3rd Class
30thSt Rose of Lima Comm. of St Felix & AdauctusWhite3rd Class
31stSt Raymond NonnatusWhite3rd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1st15th Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
2ndSt Stephen White3rd Class
3rdSt Pius X White3rd Class
4thFeriaGreen4th Class
5thSt Lawrence Justinian
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (First Thursday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
6thFeria Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus  (First Friday)Green4th Class
7thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary
or Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (First Saturday)
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
8th16th Sunday after Pentecost
Comm. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Green2nd Class
9thFeria Comm. St Gorgonius
or St Gorgonius
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
10thSt Nicholas of TolentinoWhite3rd Class
11thFeria Comm. of SS Protus & Hyacinth
SS Protus & Hyacinth
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
12thMost Holy Name of MaryWhite3rd Class
13thFeriaGreen4th Class
14thExaltation of the Holy CrossRed2nd Class
15th17th Sunday after Pentecost
Comm. Seven Sorrows of the B. V. M.
Green2nd Class
16thSs Cornelius & Cyprian Comm. Ss Eupemia, Lucy & GerminianusRed3rd Class
17thFeria Comm. Stigmata of St Francis
Stigmata of St Francis
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
18thEmber Wednesday Comm. St Jospeh of CupertinoViolet2nd Class
19thSt Januarius & CompanionsRed3rd Class
20thEmber Friday Comm. Ss Eustace & CompanionsViolet2nd Class
21stSt Matthew Conm. Ember SaturdayRed2nd Class
22nd18th Sunday after Pentecost Green2nd Class
23rdSt Linus Comm. St TheciaRed3rd Class
24thFeria Comm. our Lady of Ransom
Our Lady of Ransom
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
25thFeriaGreen4th Class
26thFeria Comm. Ss Cyprian & Justina
Ss Cyprian & Justina
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
27thSs Cosmos and DamianRed3rd Class
28thSt WenceslausRed3rd Class
29thDedication of St Michael the Archangel
Comm. 19th Sunday after Pentecost
White1st Class
30thSt JeromeWhite3rd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stFeria Comm. St Remigius
St Remigius
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
2ndHoly Guardian AngelsWhite3rd Class
3rdSt Therese of the Child Jesus (secondary patron of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest)White2nd Class
4thSt Francis of Assisi
Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (First Friday)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
5thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary Comm. St Placid & Companions
Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (First Saturday)
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
6th20th Sunday after Pentecost
or External Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary Comm. 20th Sunday after Pentecost
or White
2nd Class
or 2nd Class
7thOur Lady of the Rosary Comm. St Mark IWhite2nd Class
8thSt Bridget of Sweden Comm. Ss Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus & ApuleiusWhite3rd Class
9thSt John Leonardi Comm. Ss Dionysius, Rusticus & EleutheriusWhite3rd Class
10thSt Francis BorgiaWhite3rd Class
11thMotherhood of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite2nd Class
12thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhite4th Class
13th21st Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
14thSt Callistus IRed3rd Class
15thSt Teresa of AvilaWhite3rd Class
16thSt HedwigWhite3rd Class
17thSt Margaret Mary AlacoqueWhite3rd Class
18thSt Luke the EvangelistRed2nd Class
19thSt Peter of Alcantara (Titular Feast of Shrewsbury Cathedral) White1st Class
20th22nd Sunday after Pentecost Green2nd Class
21stFeria Comm. St Hilarion & Ss Ursula & Companions
or St Hilarion Comm. Ss Ursula & Companions
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
22ndFeriaGreen2nd Class
23rdSt Anthony Mary ClaretWhite3rd Class
24thSt Raphael the ArchangelWhite3rd Class
25thFeria comm. Ss Chrysanthus & Daria
Ss Chrysanthus & Daria
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
26thSaturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary Comm. St EvaristusWhite4th Class
27thFeast of Christ the King
(Titular feast of the Institute)
White1st Class
28thSs Simon & JudeRed2nd Class
or Votive Mass of Christ the King
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
or Votive Mass of Christ the King
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
or Votive Mass of Christ the King
or White
4th Class
or 4th Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1stAll Saint's dayWhite1st Class
2nd Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Black 1st Class
3rd 24th Sunday after Pentecost
(4th Sunday remaining after Epiphany)
Green2nd Class
4th St Charles Borromeo Comm. Ss Vitalis & Agricola
Deceased ICKSP members
or Black
3rd Class
or 4th Class 
5th FeriaGreen4th Class
6thFeria Green 4th Class
7th Feria
or  Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest (First Thursday)
or White
4th Class
or 3rd Class
8th Feria Comm. of Four Crowned Martyrs
The Four Crowned Martyrs
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
9th Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Holy Saviour Comm. St Theodore White 2nd Class
10th 25th Sunday after Pentecost
(5th Sunday remaining after Epiphany)or Remembrance Sunday Mass for the Dead (in Anniversario)
or Black
2nd Class
11th St Martin of Tours Comm. St Mennas White 3rd Class
12th St Martin IRed3rd Class
13th St Didacus White 3rd Class
14th St Josaphat Red 3rd Class
15th St Albert the Great White 3rd Class
16th St Gertrude the Great White 3rd Class
17th 26th Sunday after Pentecost
(6th Sunday remaining after Epiphnay)
Green2nd Class
18th Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter & Paul White 3rd Class
19th St Elizabeth of Hungary Comm. St PontianusWhite 3rd Class
20thSt Felix of ValoisWhite 3rd Class
21st Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary White 3rd Class
22nd St Cecilia Red 3rd Class
23rd St Clement I Comm. St Felicitas Red 3rd Class
24thLast Sunday after PentecostGreen2nd Class
25th St Catherine of Alexandria White 3rd Class
26th St Sylvester Comm. St Peter of AlexandriaWhite 2nd Class
27thFeria Green4th Class
28th FeriaGreen 4th Class
29th Feria Comm. of St Saturninus
St Saturninus
(Today begins the Novena In honour of the Immaculate Conception)
or Red
4th Class
or 4th Class
30th St Andrew (Novena Prayer)Red 2nd Class
DateFeastLiturgical ColourClass
1st1st Sunday of Advent (Novena Prayer)Violet1st Class
2ndSt Bibiana Comm. of Feria (Novena Prayer)White3rd Class
3rdSt Francis Xavier Comm. of Feria (Novena Prayer)White3rd Class
4thSt Peter Chrysologus Comm. of Feria (Novena Prayer)White3rd Class
5thFeria of Advent Comm.of St Sabbas
or Votive Mass of Our Lord the High Priest Comm. of Feria (First Thursday) (Novena Prayer)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class 
6thSt Nicholas Comm. of Feria
Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Comm. of Feria (First Friday) (Novena Prayer)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
7thSt Ambrose Comm. of Feria
Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Comm. of Feria (First Saturday) (Novena Prayer)
or White
3rd Class
or 3rd Class
8thImmaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Patroness of the Institute) Comm. of 2nd Sunday of Advent White1st Class
9thFeria of AdventViolet3rd Class
10thFeria of AdventViolet3rd Class
11thSt Damasus Comm. of FeriaWhite3rd Class
12thFeria of AdventViolet3rd Class
13thSt Lucy Comm. of FeriaRed3rd Class
14thFeria of AdventViolet3rd Class
15th3rd Sunday of Advent Gaudete SundayRose1st Class
16thSt Eusebius Comm. of Feria. White3rd Class
17thFeria of AdventViolet3rd Class
18thEmber Wednesday of AdventViolet2nd Class
19thFeria of AdventViolet3rd Class
20thEmber Friday of AdventViolet2nd Class
21stSt Thomas Comm. of Ember SaturdayRed2nd Class
22nd4th Sunday of AdventViolet1st Class
23rdFeria of AdventViolet2nd Class
24thVigil of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus ChristViolet1st Class
25thNativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Midnight Mass - Mass at Dawn - Mass of the Day
White1st Class
26thSt Stephen Comm. of the 2nd Day within the Octave of the NativityRed2nd Class
27thSt John the Evangelist Comm. of the 3rd Day within the Octave of the NativityWhite2nd Class
28thHoly Innocents Comm. of the 4th Day within the Octave of the NativityRed2nd Class
29thSt Thomas Becket
Comm. of Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity
Red1st Class
30th6th Day in the Octave of the NativityWhite2nd Class
31st7th Day in the Octave of the Nativity Comm. of St SilvesterWhite2nd Class

If you would like to see the liturgical calendar for 2023, please click here

If you would like to see the liturgical calendar for 2025, please click here

Mass propers for Votive Masses