First Mass of a Newly Ordained Priest at Shrewsbury

On May 14th, we expect the newly ordained Canon Liam Dodd here in Shrewsbury.

Canon Dodd was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on Saturday, April 1st, by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, at the Church of Saints Michael and Gaetano, Florence.
Canon Dodd will celebrate a First Mass in Shrewsbury at St. Winefride’s church following which he will offer the blessing of a newly ordained priest to all who present themselves after Mass at the communion rail.

Those faithful in attendance at Mass gain a plenary indulgence (under the usual conditions) and an additional grace may be gained from receiving the first blessing of a newly ordained priest

Sunday Coffee Hour: More help needed

Dear Faithful,

Many of us appreciate very much the reception in the hall after the 12:30 pm Mass. It gives our families a chance to get together, to meet and greet and to forge or renew friendships. Most of our faithful drive a long way to and from Mass, and the reception with refreshments is therefore a welcome occasion, especially for those families with little children.

I want to express my sincere gratefulness toward those ladies who have prepared the coffee hour over the recent years faithfully by providing sandwiches and other foods, tea and coffee, who overlooked the event itself and then cleaned the hall carefully afterwards.

However, for the relatively small number of team members, the hospitality on all Sundays has become too difficult to organise. I am kindly asking you therefore for more help and support. If you feel able and would enjoy to help with the reception, please contact Adeline Rayment at 07530-521-568 or at you very much!

With the assurance of my prayers and blessings for all of you and your families,

Canon Wiener

Christmas Schedule 2022

The schedule for Christmas at St Winefride’s is as follows:

December 24th: 10:00am (Vigil of Christmas)
December 25th – Midnight Mass
December 25th: 12:30pm

Thank you

Thank you all very sincerely for your very kind and generous participation in the preparations and celebration of the important feast of Christ the King last Sunday. Many of you had helped tidying up the parish grounds one week before and all of you have contributed to the joyful and very beautiful celebration on the feast itself. I thank you wholeheartedly for your kindness you are showing toward me and for your generous gifts you gave me on the titular feast of our Institute.

I understand that by showing your affection toward your local pastor you also wish to demonstrate your love for our dear Institute which is the spiritual family of us all. Your support of our seminary in Gricigliano in Tuscany will be very helpful: the second collection on the feast of Christ the King this year brought £644.74. Also in the name of my superiors and all seminarians, I thank you for this most generous contribution and support of the priestly formation at our motherhouse.

May God bless you and your families always and
especially in this very difficult time for the Church and the world.

With my prayers and my blessing for you and your families,

Canon Michael K. Wiener

Change to Weekly Schedule

Starting on 21st September 2022, the Wedneday celebration of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will take place at 7.00am rather than the previous 10.00am commencement.

This applies only to each Wednesday and does not affect any other day.

The schedule from the 21st September:

Sunday: 12:30 pm
Monday: 10:00 am
Tuesday: 6:30 pm (Adoration/Benediction 5:30 pm)
Wednesday: 7:00 am
Thursday: 6:30 pm (Adoration/Benediction 5:30 pm)
Friday: 10:00 am
Saturday: 10:00 am

Please make a note of the new time.

Canon away – Updated 12 August

Canon Wiener will be away in the second half of August, part of this time includes attendance at the General Chapter of the ICKSP at Gricigliano.

During his absence, Sunday Masses will be offered as usual at 12.30pm on August 21st and 28th.

Weekday Masses will be offered at 10.00am on 24th, 26th and 31st August and 2nd September. All other weekday Masses are cancelled.

During the time of his absence (August 15th-September 3rd incl.), Canon Wiener will continue to celebrate daily holy Mass in the intentions that are listed in the weekly Mass schedule.

Mass Time Change

Date: Monday, August 15th, 2022
Feast: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Please note

Mass Time: 12:00 pm (Noon)