Please note change from usual Mass time: Mass on this day will be at 6.30 in the evening on this Holy Day of Obligation.
Kevin Jones
First Holy Communion 2024
If you wish your child to receive First Holy Communion this year on the feast of Christ the King (Sunday, October 27th, 2024), please contact Canon Wiener.
Annual Chapter
During the Annual Chapter meeting in Gricigliano during the last week of August, the weekday Masses Monday through Saturday (August 26-31) will be cancelled. Canon Wiener will continue to celebrate daily Mass at the Institute’s mother house in the intentions published in the Newsletter for that time.
Thank you Dear Faithful! – a message from Canon Wiener
Last Sunday’s External Solemnity of the feast of SS. Peter & Paul coincided with the anniversary of my priestly ordination by Cardinal Burke (then Bishop of La Crosse in Wisconsin, USA) 25 years ago in Gricigliano.
I thank Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church every day for having called me to the Catholic priesthood. I am most grateful to my superiors in the Institute, especially to our Prior General, Msgr. Gilles Wach, to Canon Phillippe Mora, the cofounder of our Institute and rector of the seminary in Gricigliano, and to Msgr. Michael Schmitz, Vicar General in the Institute; I thank them for the patient and fatherly support they gave me, and continue to give, throughout the seminary years and thereafter in various apostolates in Europe and the United States.
I thank also my late parents and my sister for their loving support. And here in Shrewsbury I wish to thank you, dear faithful, for your always generous loyalty toward the Church and its perennial teachings as toward the priests of the Church who want to serve God and your families.
At last Sunday’s visit of my superior and Provincial, Canon Amaury Montjean and the four Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest, you demonstrated once again your great love and reverence for the clergy of the Institute since its arrival in Shrewsbury six years ago. I thank you for all your most generous gifts and cards I have received and for your kind participation in the acquisition of a beautiful chalice pall. Your love for Jesus Christ and His priests is a great encouragement for me and my confreres. May God bless you and reward you for all your spiritual and material support.
Ss. Peter & Paul
Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation for Ss. Peter & Paul will be at the usual time of 10am on Saturday 29th June.
Good Shepherd Sunday Seminary Collection
On Sunday 14th April 2024, the annual Good Shepherd Sunday Seminary Collection will take place.
Please help our vocations by supporting the Institute’s seminary in Gricigliano! Your priests of tomorrow!
Thank you very much for helping us in the formation of good and generous shepherds of souls!
The Annunciation of The Blessed Virgin
Monday 8th April 2025
Feast of The Annunciation of The Blessed Virgin
Change of Mass time: Sung high Mass at 6:30 pm (The Mass at 10am will not take place).
Triduum Paschale 2024
Holy Thursday
March 28th: 6:30 pm
Adoration at The Altar of Repose until Midnight
Good Friday
March 29th: 3:00 pm
Stations of The Cross at 8:00 am
Holy Saturday
March 30th: 8:00 pm
Ash Wednesday (14 February 2024)
On Ash Wednesday, Holy Mass will be preceded by blessing and imposition of the ashes and will be celebrated at 12:15 pm.
The Mass at 10:00 am is cancelled that day.