24th December: Vigil of Christmas
5.30pm: First Vespers of the Nativity
7pm: Matins of the Nativity (Gregorian chant)
10.30pm: Traditional Christmas Carols (Organ & Trumpet)
11pm: Procession to the Crib and ‘Midnight’ High Mass
25th December: The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
8.30am: ‘Dawn’ Low Mass
10.30am: Sung ‘Mass of the Day’
5.30pm: Vespers & Benediction
26th December: Feast of St. Stephen
10am: Low Mass
27th December: Feast of St. John the Evangelist
9am Mass (blessing of wine in honour of St. John after Mass)
31st December: New Year’s Eve
9pm: Adoration & Te Deum in thanksgiving for the past year (Plenary Indulgence)
French onion soup afterwards!
1st January: New Year’s Day
10am: Veni Creator (Plenary Indulgence) followed by Sung Mass