Care Home Visit

On Tuesday afternoon, 10 residents from Nazareth House visited Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena with their carers.

We had 11 volunteers from the Dome plus Fr. Gribbin. Time was spent in the church itself where volunteers spoke to our visitors about aspects of the church and showed them the side altars and our statues of Our Lady and the Sacred Heart.

Then into the presbytery where a beautiful Afternoon Tea lay waiting….

Jane Scott was in fine voice and found a willing singing companion in Muriel!

Books of old photographs of New Brighton and scenes from the past were passed around and brought smiles to our guests faces and indeed all of us.

Please pray for the residents of Nazareth House and indeed all those in Care Homes and their carers and families

Competition for Scaffolding Tours

Do you fancy going on a scaffolding tour if we get the Heritage Grant? Maybe you have always wanted to see the Dome close up, been part of this church for a long time or even want to take that fantastic photo of New Brighton. Whatever the reason, you are eligible to enter our competition to win a tour around the scaffolding.  

We will have up to 18 places available subject to the appointed contractor’s eligibility and insurance criteria (I.e. a head for heights and fit enough to climb!). To enter, a person must answer the following question:

In 30 words or less, say why the landmark building of Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena aka the Dome of Home, is important to you?

We need feedback to show National Lottery that our church is very important to the local community. Please get anyone you know who would like to go up the scaffolding to submit their answer either by email to  or post to The Presbytery, 7 Atherton Street, CH45 9LT or simply click here to do online.

Shrine Restoration Progress Report

The eight months since the ‘Development Grant’ from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF previously HLF) was awarded to prepare our application for the grant to restore the dome and main sanctuary have flown by! NLHF requires us to engage our wider community with our church.  We must have evidence of a need for  proposed activities and be able to assess the outcome to prove they meet that need.  So this year has been a time for piloting our ideas and testing them to see if they meet the NLHF criteria. It has enabled us to see what has and has not worked and to make the necessary changes. The public were consulted via our survey over the winter (over 500 replies).  The following activities were then selected for piloting.

As part of the grant application we must raise some funds ourselves (Match funding)  This is overseen by the ‘Friends of the Shrine’ group (which you are all welcome to join!).  Organized so far:  Summer Fair 29th June, Sponsored Walk 11th August (in conjunction with St John’s Hospice) and the 200+ Club. 

We also have been busy collecting art work for a fundraising calendar which we hope will be on sale by September 2019.  Art work will also be displayed in the Williamson Art Gallery throughout  November 2019 and we will have a recital at the Williamson on 3rd November 2019 – more details to follow. 

As you can see there has been a huge amount of work going on, including writing draft policies which all volunteers will need to follow. These are available via Anne and awaiting final approval.

A heartfelt thank you to all who have volunteered their time and talents so far.  Please keep sending in your volunteer hours to Project Manager Anne –  . If you love the Dome and wish to see it restored, please see what  you can get involved in.  Welcome aboard! 

Saint Peter pray for us! Saint Paul pray for us! Saint Philomena pray for us!

Free Dementia Training

Home Instead will be visiting on Monday 17th June to give free dementia training between 2 and 3.30pm.

Dementia affects more than 850,000 people in the UK and the figure is growing at an unprecedented rate. By 2051, over 2 million people will have been diagnosed with a type of dementia. These are not just statistics; they represent the millions of families with loved ones who require support to live a fulfilled life with dementia.

Anyone who would like to come along will be made to feel very welcome. Further details call Rachel Buckley on 07770266679.

Our Lady is Crowned May Queen

As is the custom at Ss Peter & Paul and St Philomena, Our Lady is crowned on the nearest Sunday to the 13th May (First Fatima Apparition, 13th May 1917).

The origins of the May Crowning are hard to pinpoint, although devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary originates in the earliest days of the church. Concerning the significance of the month of May, toward the end of the 18th century, Father Latomia of the Roman College of the Society of Jesus (in Rome) instituted the practice of dedicating this month to our Blessed Mother. His desire was to promote devotion to Mary among the students as a way to counteract infidelity and immorality. From Rome, the May devotion spread throughout the Jesuit colleges, and eventually throughout the whole church. Pope Pius VII in 1815 granted a partial indulgence for participating in either a public or private devotion honoring Mary during the month of May; Pope Pius IX made the indulgence plenary in 1859.

Immediately after the Mass and procession, the sun shone brightly through the high windows of the Dome and the bright rays fell upon the statue of the Blessed Virgin ……


Mayoral Visit to Church

In connection with the recent launch of our Calendar campaign to help raise much need funds for the restoration of the Shrine, the Mayor and Mayoress of Wirral, Councillor and Mrs Watt visited on Monday 29th April 2019.

Both enjoyed a fascinating tour of the Church and took tea with Canon Montjean and others in the Presbytery after which Councillor Watt said “I’d like to encourage our talented Wirral residents to contribute their beautiful images of the locality for this new calendar initiative. This kind of local support will really help this church gain the funding they need to complete the restoration of the Dome.”

Calling Photographers, Artists and Poets!

The restoration of our Shrine Church is now in its fourth phase and needs your help. 

The church is producing a calendar, to help raise match-funding for a National Lottery Heritage Grant to repair the dome. In keeping with Wirral as Liverpool City Region’s ‘Borough of Culture 2019,’ the calendar, entitled All You Need Is Love’, will showcase local talent and our beautiful Wirral.  Monthly themes will be based on St Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians – ‘Love is Patient, Love is Kind’, with a different aspect on love for each month. 

Project Manager Anne Archer said, “Initially, we are looking for twelve stunning images, hopefully some funny ones, some historical ones – great if they have the Dome in them too!  The competition is open to all ages, so we hope local children will also contribute. And we have secured exhibition space in Wallasey Central Library and The Williamson Art Gallery Café to display more works.

Our other aim, subject to funding, is to produce a coffee table style hard-backed ‘reflection’ book which will include yet more of your stunning images along with inspirational words – verses that either make us smile or inspire us – so please do also send us your poetry, either with your image or separately. We are keen for this book to appeal to a wide audience, including people with dementia. So, for the poets among you, please stick with simple language and short sentence structure.”

The Calendar will be sold at many local outlets including: The Post Office, Victoria Rd,

The Sea Shanty Café, Atherton St, Literally Bookshop, Atherton St, The Light Cinema,

Cafe Creme on the promenade, Vale Park Café, the Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead, the Floral Pavilion Theatre, Cards Galore, Victoria Rd, Heritage Centre, and St James Church, Albion St.

The reflection book would be free of charge to libraries, care homes, day centres, schools and on request.

The artwork and photos will be chosen by a panel of judges including: Cathy Roberts (aka ‘Tugboat Cath’, local author and illustrator), Wirral Globe’s Peter Grant and Dave Peddie from The New Brighteners. Selected works will be displayed at Wallasey Central Library from the 3- 27September 2019 inclusive and at the Williamson Art Gallery during November 2019. There will be a recital session of music and poetry at The Williamson one Sunday afternoon in November 2019, date to be confirmed.

Image requirements and consent agreements are available when you submit your work online. 

To submit artwork, photos or reflections, please go to
or email  Deadline for all submissions is Friday 28 June 2019.

 Get creating!

Holy Week at the Seminary

A photographic chronicle of the events and ceremonies of Holy Week at the Institute’s International Seminary at Gricigliano, Florence in Italy can be found here.